
Mental Health and Effective Workload Management

Digitale Tools Gesundheit & Professionalisierung Lehrkräfte Schulleitungen Lehrkräfte in leitender Position Lehramtsstudent*innen Referendar*innen Grundschule Weiterführende Schule Berufliche Schule Förderschule Einsteiger

Dauer: 1 Stunden


Mental Health and Effective Workload Management

Digitale Tools Gesundheit & Professionalisierung Lehrkräfte Schulleitungen Lehrkräfte in leitender Position Lehramtsstudent*innen Referendar*innen Grundschule Weiterführende Schule Berufliche Schule Förderschule Einsteiger

More and more educators and students are struggling with the stress that the modern education system puts on them. This does not only have negative effects on their personal well being but also impacts performance and chances. This online training course focuses on the importance of mental health in schools and strategies that improve student and teacher well-being. We will introduce ready-to-use activities for mindfulness and developing a growth mindset as well as learning strategies, which are applicable to both teachers and students. In addition, we will take a look at effective workload management, specifically for teachers and how AI might be able to assist you. The course incorporates scientific research, classroom-friendly strategies, and various tools to help reduce stress and promote mental well-being.


  • You will learn the importance of mental health in schools and its impact on wellbeing.
  • You will understand the causes and effects of lower mental health in educational settings.
  • You will get acquainted with mindfulness and its applications.
  • You will explore learning strategies to enhance student motivation and wellbeing.
  • You will learn techniques for sustainable workload management.
  • You will learn to use various tools for supporting mindfulness, learning strategies, and reducing workload.
Profile picture of  Katharina Cordes
Katharina Cordes is not only an educator, but also a dedicated lifelong learner and educational content creator. With her extensive teaching experience in diverse countries and contexts, she has developed a project-based approach to learning that prioritizes critical thinking and caters to the unique needs of each learner. She is passionate about accessibility, innovation, and fostering a creative environment.
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