
ChatGPT & fobizz AI in Your Classroom

Digitale Tools Künstliche Intelligenz Lehrkräfte Schulleitungen Lehrkräfte in leitender Position Lehramtsstudent*innen Referendar*innen Grundschule Weiterführende Schule Berufliche Schule Förderschule Einsteiger Fortgeschrittene

Dauer: 3 Stunden


ChatGPT & fobizz AI in Your Classroom

Digitale Tools Künstliche Intelligenz Lehrkräfte Schulleitungen Lehrkräfte in leitender Position Lehramtsstudent*innen Referendar*innen Grundschule Weiterführende Schule Berufliche Schule Förderschule Einsteiger Fortgeschrittene

ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence are both an opportunity and a challenge for schools. This online training provides an overview of the current discussion on AI in the field of education. You will explore the possible uses of ChatGPT and get to know the fobizz AI assistant for your own teaching. Additionally, the advantages and disadvantages of ChatGPT will be explained, and you will learn about the role of prompts in creating your materials. At the core of the training, you will engage with the central question of how Artificial Intelligence can positively impact your everyday teaching and which challenges you should keep in mind.


  • You will learn about the opportunities and challenges of Artificial Intelligence.
  • You will learn the functionality of ChatGPT and the fobizz AI assistant.
  • You will learn how to employ Artificial Intelligence in your teaching.
  • You will learn about the developments in Artificial Intelligence and upcoming possibilities.
  • You will from an opinion about Artificial Intelligence and its role in education.
Profile picture of  Katharina Cordes
Katharina Cordes is not only an educator, but also a dedicated lifelong learner and educational content creator. With her extensive teaching experience in diverse countries and contexts, she has developed a project-based approach to learning that prioritizes critical thinking and caters to the unique needs of each learner. She is passionate about accessibility, innovation, and fostering a creative environment.
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