
Basics of Learning: Lesson Design with Neurodidactics

Lebenswelt der Schüler*innen Methodik & Didaktik Lehrkräfte Schulleitungen Lehrkräfte in leitender Position Lehramtsstudent*innen Referendar*innen Grundschule Weiterführende Schule Berufliche Schule Förderschule Einsteiger

Dauer: 1 Stunden


Basics of Learning: Lesson Design with Neurodidactics

Lebenswelt der Schüler*innen Methodik & Didaktik Lehrkräfte Schulleitungen Lehrkräfte in leitender Position Lehramtsstudent*innen Referendar*innen Grundschule Weiterführende Schule Berufliche Schule Förderschule Einsteiger

The daily routine of a teacher revolves around nurturing learning and ensuring the academic success of their students. Yet, amidst the myriad tasks, the profound understanding of learning itself is often overlooked but undeniably crucial to this mission. This course is dedicated to unraveling the essence of learning and delving into the realm of neurodidactics, providing a comprehensive overview of what neuroscience teaches us about crafting brain-friendly lessons. Here, you will unlock the keys to enhancing your teaching by integrating insights from brain science. With each module offering a rich blend of theoretical knowledge, hands-on activities, and reflective sessions, you'll not only grasp the core principles of neurodidactics but also seamlessly apply them in your teaching practice, elevating your teaching journey to new heights.


  • You will develop an understanding of Neurodidactics and its interdisciplinary approach.
  • You will identify the principles of Neurodidactics and how they inform effective teaching and learning practices.
  • You will gain the skills to apply Neurodidactic principles in designing lesson plans.
  • You will learn to adapt your teaching strategies to create brain-friendly lessons for your students.
Vivien Ferencz is a passionate educator with a Master's degree in Education, specialized in both Chemistry and English. Her dedication to the field is rooted in a deep passion for understanding the intricacies of learning processes and leveraging this knowledge to craft brain-friendly lessons, particularly for language and science classes. As part of the fobizz team, she is responsible for creating professional development courses and managing the fobizz PD content. 
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