
Scientifically accurate info about how to make teaching better based on what we know about our brain.
— 23.04.2024, F.G. - psychologyst, vocational school teacher

In my opinion fobizz gives us new ideas for developing in education
— 15.04.2024

— 11.02.2025, Oleksandra Deul, Primary School teacher from Germany

It was successful
— 03.12.2024, Gonzalez Ortega Uzi Yohanan

In my opion is a course very well because help me how to use the neurodidactics at classroom
— 03.12.2024, Amayrani Vargas Gualito

Awesome course, very useful for teachers in training.
— 03.12.2024, Adrián Gutiérrez Gómez

its very good i need give a hug
— 03.12.2024, Eder AL

in my opinion is a good course since it helps us understand the learning processes that exist
— 03.12.2024, Diana Guadalupe Flores Palemonte

Examples of english sessions
— 03.12.2024, Very good

Examples of english sessions
— 03.12.2024, Edgar Fernando Tejeda Cruz