Exercise 4: Test your own prompts (10:00 min)

Become an AI pro!

Now you know all the important functions of the fobizz AI tools. So now it's time to:
test, experiment and explore!

And that's what this exercise is all about:  

1. Go to tools.fobizz.com. Remember the last exercises: Where can AI best support you? What is its potential for your classroom?

2. Choose the tool that works best for what you need. Take a look at the samples and clarify objective, grade level and topic. Add more context and important information.

3. Test different prompts and different AI tools

How are the results? Have you found ways these tools can save you time?

Handout - fobizz AI-tools:

If you're looking for reminders and more support when working with our AI tools, download the handout: