
AI-Resilient Assignments: Creative Ideas & Examples for the Classroom

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Mo, 22.07.2024 19:00 Uhr (CEST)


AI-Resilient Assignments: Creative Ideas & Examples for the Classroom

Künstliche Intelligenz Lehrkräfte Lehrkräfte in leitender Position Referendar*innen Einsteiger

Das Webinar fand statt am Montag, 22. Juli 2024 von 19:00 Uhr bis 20:00 Uhr (CEST).

In the era of AI, the question arises: How can we adapt traditional assignment methods to preserve the integrity of learning? In this webinar, we use a puzzle analogy to explore strategies for creating assignments that truly measure student learning and are AI-resilient. You will receive examples, insights, and templates to transform your assignment approaches. We will ensure your methods are AI-copy-and-paste-proof and challenge your students in meaningful ways. Get inspired and learn how to make your assignments future-proof.


  • You will analyze the impact of generative AI on traditional assessments and identify potential challenges.
  • You will explore strategies to create AI-resilient assessments using a puzzle analogy.
  • You will develop assessment methods that truly measure student learning and maintain integrity in the age of AI.
  • You will implement examples, templates, and strategies to transform current assessment approaches.
  • You will gain inspiration and practical tips to make your assessments AI-proof and challenging.
Lindy Hockenbary began her career in a technology-equipped classroom, where she first blended teaching with technology. This sparked a journey into the world of supporting educators, encompassing roles in instructional technology, professional development, and curriculum design. Over the last ten years, her consulting work has taken her to schools across the world. These experiences have given her a unique perspective on K-12 education and have been instrumental in her ultimate goal to support classroom teachers in delivering transformative learning experiences. This goal is captured in her books, “A Teacher’s Guide to AI” and “A Teacher's Guide to Online Learning,” and in her daily work. 
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