
Make Learning Stick with AI

Methodik & Didaktik Lehrkräfte Lehrkräfte in leitender Position Lehramtsstudent*innen Referendar*innen Grundschule Weiterführende Schule Berufliche Schule Förderschule Einsteiger

Dauer: 1 Stunden


Make Learning Stick with AI

Methodik & Didaktik Lehrkräfte Lehrkräfte in leitender Position Lehramtsstudent*innen Referendar*innen Grundschule Weiterführende Schule Berufliche Schule Förderschule Einsteiger

This course introduces four research-based strategies to improve learning retention: Retrieval Practice, Spacing, Interleaving, and Metacognition. Participants will explore each strategy, discover practical applications, and learn how to leverage AI for effective implementation. Aimed at educators and instructional coaches, this course equips participants with the tools to make learning more effective and enduring.


  • You will understand the definitions and research-backed benefits of Retrieval Practice, Spacing, Interleaving, and Metacognition for learning retention.
  • You will explore and become proficient with prompts, tools, and activities designed to enhance learning retention.
  • You will identify and implement practical applications of these strategies across various educational contexts, including traditional and technology-enhanced environments.
  • You will utilize AI tools to effectively apply these learning strategies, thereby saving time and improving educational outcomes.
Karle Delo is an instructional coach and Curriculum Director who is passionate about empowering educators and students. In her current role, she provides teachers with support and training on how to use technology to save time and enhance instruction. Karle is also a frequent speaker at education conferences and has been featured in numerous publications and podcasts. In 2023, she was named one of the top 30 K-12 EdTech Influencers to follow by EdTech Magazine. On her TikTok and Instagram channels, @coachkarle, she creates videos about Canva, Google for Education, and the latest AI tools for teachers.
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