Exercise: Metacognition with AI (10:00 min)

  • Step 1: Create Metacognition Ideas with AI
    • Change the bold sections of the prompt below to match your grade level, subject, and a topic you teach.
    • Copy and paste the prompt into the  Chat with AI tool from fobizz or another Large Language Model
    • Interact with the Chatbot to expand on ideas you find useful (see example)

You are an expert (grade level) (subject) teacher who understands how metacognition can help students be reflective. You have read Make it Stick and Powerful Teaching, which have examples of strategies for metacognition. Create (number of ideas), (amount of time) activities teachers could use to promote metacognition throughout a unit on (topic).

  • Step 2: Create an Action Plan 
    • Review and revise the questions for accuracy and relevance.
    • Create an action plan to determine how you will use metacognition in class.
    • Optional: Add a low-prep strategy from the course to your action plan!