Online Professional Development Course

Scratch for Beginners - The Visual Programming Language for Kids

Digital Tools Educators Teachers in leading position University students Teacher trainees Elementary school Secondary school Special school Computer Science Media Personal Education Beginner

Duration: 1 hours

Online Professional Development Course

Scratch for Beginners - The Visual Programming Language for Kids

Digital Tools Educators Teachers in leading position University students Teacher trainees Elementary school Secondary school Special school Computer Science Media Personal Education Beginner

The graphical programming language Scratch is excellently suited to teach children and teenagers the basics of programming in a playful and creative way. In this professional development course, you will learn hands-on how to develop various applications with Scratch. No prior knowledge in computer science or programming is necessary. Additionally, you will get to know various documents and teaching materials to teach Scratch and convey the fundamentals of programming. Logical thinking of your students will be encouraged, and a solid understanding of digital applications that we use in everyday life will be established.

Learning goals

  • You will learn why Scratch is a valuable tool for teaching programming fundamentals.
  • You will learn about the features and layout of Scratch's programming interface.
  • You will learn how to create and develop your own applications using Scratch.
  • You will learn strategies for imparting computer science concepts and programming fundamentals in an engaging, playful, and creative manner.
  • You will learn practical approaches to lesson planning and effectively integrating Scratch into daily classroom activities.
Profile picture of  Tom Wiedemann
Tom Wiedemann interessiert sich als studierter Medienwissenschaftler dafür, wie analoge und digitale Medien unser Leben beeinflussen. Er ist Projektleiter bei App Camps und entwickelt dort Unterrichtsunterlagen, ist als Trainer aktiv und schneidet Videos. Als freiberuflicher Filmemacher erklärt er innovative Technologien und soziales Engagement in bewegten Bildern. Außerdem gibt er medienpädagogische Workshops an Schulen zu Stop Motion Filmen und Audioproduktion.

Tom Wiedemann
is a media studies graduate and interested in how analogue and digital media influence our lives. He is a project manager at App Camps, where he develops educational materials, works as a trainer, and edits videos. As a freelance filmmaker, he explains innovative technologies and social commitment through moving images. In addition, he conducts media education workshops at schools on stop-motion films and audio production.
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