
fobizz AI Image Generator

Digitale Tools Künstliche Intelligenz Grundschule Weiterführende Schule Berufliche Schule Förderschule Einsteiger

Dauer: 0,5 Stunden


fobizz AI Image Generator

Digitale Tools Künstliche Intelligenz Grundschule Weiterführende Schule Berufliche Schule Förderschule Einsteiger

Turn a thought into a picture and illustrate concepts and ideas in the classroom. This mini course introduces the fobizz AI Image Generator, which offers you many possibilities of use for school and lessons. Create royalty-free images to illustrate teaching material and get multiple versions of images and themes in different styles for discussing associations, styles, and creative possibilities with students.


  • You understand the benefits and functionality of the fobizz AI Image Generator.
  • You use the AI Image Generator to generate images for various educational purposes.
  • You learn the basics of prompt crafting for images.
  • You know the possibilities and limitations of the tool.
  • You write prompts to get the images you want and know how to use them in the classroom.
Profile picture of  Katharina Cordes
Katharina Cordes is not only an educator, but also a dedicated lifelong learner and educational content creator. With her extensive teaching experience in diverse countries and contexts, she has developed a project-based approach to learning that prioritizes critical thinking and caters to the unique needs of each learner. She is passionate about accessibility, innovation, and fostering a creative environment.
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