Nina Autenrieth
Nina Autenrieth ist ausgebildete Lehrerin und seit 2021 akademische Mitarbeiterin am Zentrum für Medienbildung der PH Schwäbisch Gmünd sowie freie Medien- und Spielpädagogin. Sie promoviert aktuell im Fach Erziehungswissenschaft mit einem Schwerpunkt auf der Rolle von Leadership in Schulentwicklungsprozessen.
Nina Autenrieth is a qualified teacher and has been working as an academic assistant at the Center for Media Education at PH Schwäbisch Gmünd since 2021. In addition to this role, she is also a freelance media and games educator. Currently, she is pursuing her doctorate in educational science, focusing on the impact of leadership in school development processes.
Nina Autenrieth is a qualified teacher and has been working as an academic assistant at the Center for Media Education at PH Schwäbisch Gmünd since 2021. In addition to this role, she is also a freelance media and games educator. Currently, she is pursuing her doctorate in educational science, focusing on the impact of leadership in school development processes.
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