
The course introduced me to Fobizz apps and AI tools that I hadn't known about. I am eager to try these out.
— 04/01/2024, Kara

Good points covered, helpful information.
— 02/21/2024, Kate Benson

These short bite sized training sessions really suit the job.
— 02/19/2024, Matthew Hammerfald-Joyce

helpful and interesting.Thank you for your support
— 02/16/2024, Gymnasium - Hessen, GK

Rasant. Interessant
— 12/30/2024, Dingens

The bio course example for grade 8 was interesting and practical.
— 12/07/2024, Zoltanf1

Very good tools to provide feedback
— 11/06/2024, Evelyn Muñoz

— 09/30/2024, Feedback

It was insightful
— 09/21/2024, Naresh Sharma

This is an excellent course, relevant and commendable. It's useful and helpful. My sincerest congratulations and best wishes to the teacher.
— 08/21/2024, Ildefonso Gustavo Díaz Sandoval, Assistant Professor from the School of Medicine, Artemisa, Cuba