
The course introduced me to Fobizz apps and AI tools that I hadn't known about. I am eager to try these out.
— 01.04.2024, Kara

Good points covered, helpful information.
— 21.02.2024, Kate Benson

These short bite sized training sessions really suit the job.
— 19.02.2024, Matthew Hammerfald-Joyce

helpful and interesting.Thank you for your support
— 16.02.2024, Gymnasium - Hessen, GK

I have a 'problem', 'issue' with the use of the I can statements. What is pupils are not able to answer a question based on the ' I can statements'.
— 19.05.2024, CA

Great guide and additional sources about feedback.
— 01.05.2024, F.G. - psychologyst, vocational school teacher

i like the tools they have. They are helpful and a good way to grade and assess students' written exams
— 30.04.2024

In my opinion its very useful
— 28.04.2024, Teacher

Sehr nutzlich. Guter Mix aus Theorie und praktischen Inputs.
— 14.03.2024, M.M., Englischlehrerin aus Südtirol