
"The AI Grading Assistant course was a good way to see how AI can help me with grading student assessment in the future and especially how it can help me to give detailed and criteria-based feedback. Coming from an IB school, I am curious now to experiment how the tool can help me (and my school) in relation to grading and giving feedback on IB coursework materials from our students."
— 14.11.2024, Constantin

Klar formuliert und zielführend.
— 13.10.2024, G.L.

It was very interesting and I learned a lot about how to use AI to help with grading
— 04.09.2024, Ms Groapa

In my opinion this course is great! It is short and the explanations are easy to understand.
— 30.08.2024, Make Assessments Easier

Kurz und knackig - super!
— 15.08.2024

Sehr hilfreich
— 10.08.2024

Muss ich erst überprüfen ...
— 29.07.2024

Very useful!
— 15.06.2024, Jens aus NRW

Danke für diese tolle Info! Ich kannte das Tool noch nicht - werde ich aber ab sofort nutzen!!!
— 17.05.2024, Sandra Sp.

In my opinion its very useful
— 28.04.2024, Teacher