
Creating Educational Visuals with AI Image Generators

Lehrkräfte Schulleitungen Lehrkräfte in leitender Position Lehramtsstudent*innen Referendar*innen Grundschule Weiterführende Schule Berufliche Schule Förderschule Einsteiger

Dauer: 1 Stunden


Creating Educational Visuals with AI Image Generators

Lehrkräfte Schulleitungen Lehrkräfte in leitender Position Lehramtsstudent*innen Referendar*innen Grundschule Weiterführende Schule Berufliche Schule Förderschule Einsteiger

Unlock your creativity with my comprehensive course on AI image generation! Dive into the world of AI image tools and discover how they work, explore the most popular generators, and learn to brainstorm and generate stunning images with just words. Whether you're looking to enhance presentations, design unique logos, or create engaging educational materials, this course will equip you with the skills to transform your ideas into captivating visuals. Say goodbye to endless searching for the perfect image and hello to the power of AI at your fingertips!


  • You will understand how AI image generators work.
  • You will craft quality images using AI image generators for educational purposes.
  • You will apply and leverage AI images for your work.
  • You will identify the benefits and limitations of AI image generators.
  • You will integrate AI-generated images into educational contexts effectively.
Daniel Lopez is a lifelong educator and college access leader. Daniel has deep educational perspectives through his roles as a teacher, college advisor, and program leader in one of the largest school districts in Texas and in partnerships statewide across Massachusetts.
Daniel's mission is to transform the educational experience so more young people can realize their passions post high school and education practitioners can extend their careers without burning out.
Daniel believes artificial intelligence can serve as a catalyst for transforming education and has explored AI for more than 1000 hours as the host of The AI Education Conversation podcast.
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