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From Screen to Skill: A Hands-On Learning Challenge

Your challenge is to create 5 vocabulary-building activities that fit your teaching style and the learning needs of your students. By the end of this exercise, you could have a bank of vocabulary-building activities all ready to go!

Approximate time allotment for the exercise: 20 minutes
It might be helpful to approach this task one small step at a time. Here's one possible roadmap to success:

  1. Take a few minutes to explore the AI Tool, Twee. During your exploration, choose 5 activities that you like. Try to select a variety, perhaps including exercises you could use at your unit's beginning, middle, and end. 
2. During the next 10 minutes, develop your list of keywords and create your activities. 
3. Then proceed to an image generator AI tool such as those in Canva, or Fobizz. Spend the next short while experimenting with images that could be used for a Big Picture Activity. Note: Depending on the subject you teach, your picture could be used for labelling, but equally it could be a great starter for story-telling, dialogue creation, or brainstorming vocabulary. 
Congratulations on putting your knowledge into action!