
Es war sehr informativ mit vielen Anregungen und Tipps zum Ausprobieren.
— 20.06.2024, Kati

Sehr klare Gedanken, tolle Ideen, mutmachend!
— 20.06.2024

Jen did a great job explaining the various tools available to teachers that also keep the integrity of the work we do. I like the idea of AI as an assistant, rather than an all encompassing entity. I like the idea of using it in front of students in order to show them you know more than them to quell their instinct to use it 100% for their writing!
— 20.06.2024, Jennifer, Secondary Education Teacher from California

schöne neue Inspirationen
— 20.06.2024, Nadja

Interessante Einblicke, viele verschiedene Methoden.
— 20.06.2024, A.R., Lehrerin Gym

Die Fortbildung war sehr hilfreich für mich.
— 20.06.2024, E. L.

Very engaging and stimulating! Great stuff!
— 20.06.2024, Jens from NRW

Super interessant und inspirierend, tatsächlich auch etwas "overwhelming"
— 20.06.2024

Quite a bunchof useful tips.
— 20.06.2024, Ralph