
Good course!
— 10/17/2024, John

Die Fortbildung war sehr interessant und hat viele praktische Beispiele gegeben.
— 09/26/2024, Maria Grounidou, Englischlehrerin aus Südtirol

— 09/03/2024, Sarah Mille4

This was a great overview and breakdown that included practical examples and time to practice creating prompts for AI.
— 09/03/2024, Ariel McElwee

Fobizz provides great hands-on practice connecting AI with scientifically-grounded learning and teaching.
— 09/01/2024, C Miller

It was great to receive so many ideas and practical ways to implement AI in the classroom. I'm really excited to try these out and help my students to retain what they learn and to understand how they learn best.
— 07/28/2024, A.S., Freelance ESL teacher

In my opinion courses videos has translated in Arabic language
— 07/14/2024, F. Farera

This course really helped to get to know other tools that I can use to help my team of teachers.
— 06/20/2024, Allison Kathleen Thomas